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5461 - You may not create ASINs for this brand. Please review our ASIN Creation Policy here: https://sellercentral.amazon
Amazon Error Code:
Amazon Error Class:
You are attempting to change an identity attribute for this SKU.
Generic Amazon Error Message:
You may not create ASINs for this brand. Please review our ASIN Creation Policy here: https://sellercentral.amazon
What it usually means:
New Listings (new ASINs) are restricted for this brand but you can add Offers to any existing ASIN for this brand. Check Amazon's ASIN creation policy at: https://sellercentral.amazon.com/gp/help/201844590. If your product is not listed in the Amazon catalog and needs to be listed with a new ASIN, please contact seller support at https://sellercentral.amazon.com/hz/contact-us and mention error code 5461.