What happens if stock level changes to zero, will my eBay listings end?
The answer to this question used to be a simple "No" as we were able to enable stock control at the listing level, which would prevent out of stock listings ending when the stock level went to 0. That answer changed when eBay made stock control an account level setting.
eBay Stock Control Setting
In your eBay account under Site Preferences > Selling Preferences > Sell Your Item form and listings you will find the Use the out-of-stock-option:
If it is set to No then the listing will end when the stock level reaches 0. Codisto will detect this and set the eBay Status of the product to Disabled.
If it is set to Yes, then the listing will remain active but hidden from search. If a buyer finds the listing (by following a link in an email for example) then the listing will clearly show as out of stock.
The benefit of using stock control on eBay is that the sales history is maintained. As soon as the product inventory becomes available again, Codisto will automatically revise the listing, making it available for sale again.
If Use the out-of-stock option is set to No on your account then Codisto will show an information dialog explaining the benefits of having the option enabled. The dialog can be used to enable it or it can be permanently dismissed if you choose to keep the setting as is.