eBay Combined Shipping Discounts and Promotional Shipping
eBay Combined Shipping Discounts
Combined shipping discounts works as follows:
A) The combined shipping rules are actually created on eBay.
B) Combined shipping is set to "Enabled/Disabled" for each product in the Codisto Grid (this can be done in bulk or individually).
To get eBay combined shipping set up:
1) Make sure the Shipping Discount Profile column is viewable in the grid by selecting it from the column chooser:
2) Navigate to this screen in your eBay account and set up the profile
3) In the Shipping Discount column set the appropriate products to the relevant discount profile (in bulk or product by product). Setting in bulk is done by checking the check box on the top left (after filtering if necessary).
eBay Promotional Shipping
Promotional shipping works as follows:
A) The promotional shipping rules are actually created on eBay.
B) Promotional shipping is set to "Yes/No" for each product in the Codisto Grid (this can be done in bulk or individually).
To get eBay promotional shipping set up:
1) Make sure the promotional shipping column is viewable in the grid by selecting it from the column chooser:
2) Click any button to launch the popup window and follow link to set up rates on eBay.
3) In the promotional shipping column set the appropriate products to "yes" (in bulk or product by product). Setting in bulk is done by checking the check box on the top left (after filtering if necessary).