
Multi-edit Mode featuring the Codisto XpressGrid™

The Codisto XpressGrid™ is a spreadsheet style interface that allows fast and easy creation and editing of sales channel listings and is found in the Multi-Edit Mode from the Listings View.


Each tab along the top represents a different connected sales channel, offering a separate configuration for each.


Each row represents a single product in your catalog (any ‘child’ SKUs are found by clicking the ‘+’ symbol on rows).  Scroll the grid vertically to see all your products.


Each column represents a different sales channel field for your products. The blue fixed left-hand side columns show the details from your product catalog in ecommerce platform and their listing status on the marketplace tab you are on.  The right-hand side shows the sales channel settings and values.  Scroll the grid horizontally to view additional settings.


The right hand side columns will vary between sales channels. For example, for Amazon (as seen below), the right hand side columns are split into Green for the 'Offer Columns' (price/inventory/shipping), and Aqua for the 'Listing Details Columns' (e.g. Title/Description/Bullets), whilst for eBay they are all blue and represent all eBay fields/settings.


Column Groups

Column groups can be expanded and collapsed for easy viewing by clicking the "<>" icon.  Additional columns (settings) can be added to (or removed from) the grid using the white “Extra Fields” button at the top.


The Codisto XpressGrid makes it very easy to work with a selected subset of products in Codisto by searching and filtering based on almost any field or combination of fields.

How to Search and Filter


Clicking on the search & filter icon to the left of a field column name opens the filter dialog for that column. 



Entering a search term reduces the result list as you type.



Selecting results

By default all results are selected. You can further reduce the result list by clearing the checkbox on results you want to exclude. Clearing the checkbox on the (Select All Search Results) row at the top of the list will clear all the results, making manual selection of a subset of the result list easy.

Applying the filter

Clicking OK in the filter dialog will update the Codisto XpressGrid to show only the selected products. Columns with an active filter can be identified by the orange search and filter symbol.


Filtering multiple columns

Multiple columns can be filtered. Just repeat the process on a second and subsequent column to further reduce the products shown in the XpressGrid.

Clearing the filter(s)

When a column is filtered, the search & filter icon is orange (instead of white for an unfiltered column). Click on the search & filter for that column, then click "Clear Filter" to remove the active filter from that column.



What can be filtered

Most columns can be filtered. The only fields that can't are the Image, Description and Item Specifics columns.

Bulk Edits with the XpressGrid™ Multi Edit Tool

Bulk edits use filters/check-boxes to select the group of products you want to change in bulk and set new price rules using the Xpress Grid Multi Edit (green) row at the top of the grid.


One of the most powerful time saving features of Codisto is the Multi-Edit feature of the Codisto XpressGrid™.

Activating Multi Edit

In the left column of XpressGrid™ you will find a check box beside each individual product row. When ticked, the product is selected. XpressGrid™ Multi Edit is active as soon as two or more products are ticked.


Multi Edit Controls

Once Multi Edit is activated, the green Multi Edit bar will appear at the top of the XpressGrid™. Changes made to values in the Multi Edit bar will be applied to all selected products.


Select All for Bulk Changes Across Your Entire Catalog

To make changes to all products in your catalog, simply select the checkbox at the top-left of the XpressGrid™ to select all visible products.


This will select every product in your catalog so you can make bulk edits to all your products from the Multi Edit bar, unless you have an active filter on, in which case it will only select all the visible products which match your active filter (see below).

Search & Filter with Multi Edit

You can search and filter on any field to create a subset of products with a shared value, for example, search and filtering for "wireless" in the name field to filter for wireless audio products in the image below.


Once filtered, simply select the top-left checkbox to select all visible/filtered products and use the Multi Edit bar to make changes. You can layer multiple filters together to create more specific groups of products based on shared fields. For a detailed explanation please see Filtering with XpressGrid.

Enable and Publish 

Once you are happy with the values you have selected for your sales channel listings, you can 'Enable' their offer and listing status (where applicable) and use the white 'Publish' button (such as the Amazon Publish button below) to send your listings to the sales channel


Any time you make changes to your products in the Codisto XpressGrid™, you can use the Publish button to commit those changes to your live sales channel listings.

If there are any problems detected which are preventing your products from being published, you will see an error icon in the Listing or Offer Status columns. Hover above the icon for additional information on how to fix the problem.

Listing and Offer Fields Available in the Codisto XpressGrid™

The below is a list of some of the key listing and offer fields for your sales channel listings that you can manage from the Codisto XpressGrid™.


Column Purpose
Select (checkbox) To select the row for bulk edit. Ticking the checkbox in the header will select all rows.
Code A read only column showing the code of the product
Name A read only column showing the name of the product. It is linked to the eBay tab of the product in your ecommerce platform, which provides another view into the same data, just for the individual product.
Image Shows a small thumbnail of the main product image. 
Web Price A read only column showing the price of the product on the website
Listing Link A narrow column containing a visual representation of the link status
Status The current status of the product. Shows Enabled on a light green background if the product is enabled or Disabled on a light red background if the product is disabled. The status values can be clicked to change the current status.
Title By default it is the same as the Name but can be changed by clicking in the field and editing the value
Price [Collapsible] Used to adjust the price of the listing on eBay. See  Set a different price on Marketplace from prices in your ecommerce platform for detailed information.
Quantity [Collapsible] Used to adjust the quantity available on Amazon or eBay. See  Setting the quantity available on Amazon or eBay for detailed information.
Categories [Collapsible] Used to adjust the listing category and eBay Store category
Shipping [Collapsible] Used to adjust the shipping method, cost, handling and express options. See  How to set shipping rules using Codisto for detailed information.
Returns [Collapsible] Used to adjust whether or not returns are accepted, return days, refund type, who pays return shipping and any additional return policy details.
Description [Collapsible] Used to edit the listing description (which defaults to the the product description) and Item Specifics
Bolded column names indicate columns which can be expanded for adjusting additional details or collapsed to minimise horizontal scrolling


To learn more about the Codisto XpressGrid™ you can watch the below tutorial videos:

2.3: Create & Manage Listings - Introduction to the XpressGrid™

2.4: Create & Manage Listings - Customizing Columns

2.5: Create & Manage Listings - Search and Filter

2.6: Create & Manage Listings - Changing Sales Channel Settings

2.7: Create & Manage Listings - XpressGrid Multi Edit

2.8: Create & Manage Listings - Enable and Publish


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