
Translations with Codisto

This article is split into two sections:

1) Currency/price translations

2) Written content translations (e.g. Title/descriptions)


Currency/price translations

Codisto will automatically translate prices into local currencies when listing on overseas marketplaces.  (Note, 'overseas' means where the connected marketplace currency is different to that of e-commerce platform) e.g. your store currency is in GBP but you've connected to eBay US.

Codisto uses an external currency service to automatically translate prices on a monthly basis.

It is also possible to manually control currency rates or change the frequency of automatic updates.  



Written content translations

Merchants selling on overseas marketplaces often want to use translated content such as a translated title or translated description to make the listing more appealing to local buyers.

Codisto doesn't translate written content i.e. merchants have to translate their own content.  However, we provide an easy way to use merchant translated content in listings.

There are two ways to use merchant translated content with Codisto (use case depends on how many products need to use translated content).

1) Use the Codisto XpressGrid to write the new title/description etc. directly (best for a small number of products using translated content).  This can be done one by one (in theory it's possible to do it in bulk but titles/descriptions are often unique).  The screenshot example below is for Title but the same follows for any other field.


Note typing a new title in means the field is no longer linked to your Shopify product and any changes to Shopify will not update this field (and therefore the related marketplace listing).

2) Upload your translated content into a custom meta field/custom attribute in your ecommerce platform and use Codisto's attribute mapping to map that content to the relevant field in Codisto - and therefore the marketplace listings (best for a large number of products using translated content).

For example, if you are using Shopify, you can create a custom meta field called e.g. "newmetafield".  You then go to Attribute mapping and map that custom field to the eBay.de eBay title field (make sure you're in the correct marketplace using the drop down on the top right). 

Scroll down to eBay Listing Attributes and select the relevant field from the drop down.  Save to commit those changes to eBay and every product for eBay.de will be using the value in the custom meta field instead on the default 'name' field.  It is a similar process for description or any other field on Amazon or eBay.


eBay Templates

eBay templates can also use translated content.  Again the translated content needs to be housed in a custom meta field/attribute.  Please see Listing Design help for articles describing how to edit eBay templates for your specific ecommerce platform.

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