Selling Internationally on eBay
Selling internationally
Selling internationally is a ‘must’ for all retailers looking to grow their business. With over 180 million global buyers, eBay has been built for global commerce by incorporating international selling across its global marketplaces. By expanding to Cross-Border Trade (CBT) you can benefit from reduced dependency on domestic markets and take advantage of global market trends (e.g. seasonality, cultural interests).
While you might find it difficult to attract international buyers directly to your website, eBay supports your business by removing the friction retailers commonly experience with Cross-Border Trade (CBT). Similarly, Codisto includes CBT as a default functionality for all customers.
To sell internationally, you’ll need to:
- Have an eBay account in good standing
- Have at least 10 Feedback points earned as a seller
- Have had your first successful sale more than 90 days ago
- Meet the selling requirements of the sites where you want your listings to appear
Selling internationally with Codisto
- Passive CBT: To make your products available to global buyers, just add an international postage option in the Xpress grid and select the countries you’d like to offer shipping. Your products will now become available for purchase in each country you offer a postage service to. It is important to research couriers and shipping rates before enabling international shipping.
- Listing directly on international platforms: As your business grows you may find that you need a more direct approach to global markets in order to improve efficiencies or provide an improved buying experience. With Codisto, you can list on ALL global eBay platforms as part of your subscription. Create an eBay account for all global eBay platforms you wish to trade on (extra costs associated), link to Codisto and replicate your initial configuration to launch a tailored, local presence for your business. All global eBay channels can be managed from within Codisto.
*Bonus points* Your listings WILL NOT be automatically translated into local languages on international sites. If listing directly in other eBay markets, you may like to use a language translator to create custom titles and descriptions in your ecommerce platform and then use attribute mapping for your corresponding marketplaces to create an even better buying experience for international customers.
For more information on selling internationally.