
Amazon suppressed listings

Customers enjoy an enriched shopping experience when product listings display full and complete product information, making it easier to search for, find, compare and purchase their favorite products. Suppressing a product from shopping results has the result of hiding the listing from search and personalization, yet the product remains buyable in Amazon’s store.

Amazon may suppress a listing from shopping results when the listing risks impairing the customer shopping experience for reasons such as missing or incorrect information, preventing that listing from being found in search. Suppressing a product from shopping results is different from removing the listing from Amazon’s store, although Amazon uses both processes to protect the experience of its customers and prevent fraud and abuse in its store.

Amazon may remove or “de-list” a product from its store where the product is illegal, prohibited by Amazon’s policies, or otherwise presents a risk of fraud and abuse. Once removed from Amazon’s store, such products cannot be purchased by Amazon’s customers.

Fixing suppressed listings

Listings may be unsuppressed and reappear in shopping results after any data flaws are corrected.

Sellers are able to see suppressed products in the Codisto grid (red offer status icon).  They can also run suppression reports and correct or manage suppressed listings through the “Manage Inventory” tab in Seller Central.

If the errors are corrected, the listings become unsuppressed in 24-48 hours (Amazon dependent).

For more information on Suppressed listings.

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