The price I set in my e-commerce Platform does not match the price seen on Amazon, why is this?
Amazon shows a ‘front end’ product page that is publicly available to buyers. On this page there is a single Buy Box. Your Offer is not guaranteed to be on that Buy Box and hence your price may not be showing. Your Offer will be in the ‘Other sellers on Amazon section'.
Example: This merchant has a product that is $358.40 in their e-commerce platform.
You can see that the below Amazon listing is for $349.00 (which makes it appear as though sync isn’t working), but the Listing Seller does not correspond to the e-commerce platform Seller's account. You can check the Amazon listing in question to see if you can find the offer they are referring to.
You can look for the Seller's name in the Other Sellers on Amazon offers and check to see if the pricing is accurate. In this case, it is! Just a matter of understanding the difference between a Listing and an Offer, and how to "win" the buy box!
Understanding Amazon - the difference between Offers and Listings