
Listing on Amazon

If you have existing Offers to link see this article

In this article we will explore the process of creating and listing offers on Amazon using the Multi-edit Mode featuring the Codisto XpressGrid™. You can learn more about the other listing modes available for Amazon by visiting the help articles for Single-edit Mode and Attribute Mapping Mode.

Creating New Offers

If you are a selling products on Amazon that are already for sale in Amazon’s catalog (being sold by someone else), you will need to create an Amazon 'Offer'.  An 'Offer' comprises Price, Quantity and Shipping terms (and Condition & Taxes) which is the necessary information for you to be selling the product on Amazon.

If you are selling products that are completely new to Amazon’s catalog you will need to create a new “listing” for that product. (See below)

To learn more about the difference between Amazon 'Offers' and 'Listings' see this video.

1. Check/Edit Offer Data

Check Price, Quantity & Shipping data and make any edits to product rows you intend to create offers for.  Remember column groups can be expanded to display options using the <> icon and all edits can be made in bulk.


2. Check Offer Status


Ready to Create Amazon Offer

When the Offer status icon for a product row is green then you can 'Enable' the Offer Status and Codisto will attempt to create an Offer on Amazon.  (Remember to save using the white 'save & send to Amazon' box - top left of below screenshot).


Product Identifier Required

If the Offer status for a product row is yellow it means a Product Idenfier is required.  Amazon always requires an ASIN to create an Offer.  You can enter ASINs directly into Codisto if you know the ASIN (e.g. you have searched on Amazon).  Alternatively, if you have a GTIN (i.e. UPC/EAN) then Codisto will attempt to retrieve the applicable ASIN from Amazon and use that when creating an Offer.

You can enter ASINs/GTINs directly into the XpressGrid but if you already have data it is better to map data from your ecommerce platform

Click the icon or open the ID column group to enter or XXXmap a Product Identifier (or ASIN).

Read about ASIN/GTINs here

Read about GTIN exemption here

3. Enable & Send to Amazon

After publishing (flashing icons that can take Amazon a few minutes to return a result), the offer status link will change colour:

mceclip4.png    mceclip6.png

If the link goes blue, your Offer is live on Amazon (click to view).

If the link goes red, Amazon is returning an error (click to view and resolve - reach out to support@codisto.com if you need any help resolving the errors Amazon is returning).


If you are selling products that are completely new to Amazon’s catalog you will need to create a new 'Listing' for that product which includes data such as Category, Title, Description, Brand, Manufacturer etc.


If after trying to create an Offer, the icon turns to light blue, then there is no existing product on Amazon to create an Offer for and Amazon requires more data to first create the Listing (to which it can then apply the Offer).

Scroll right on the grid to the Listing Data section (light blue columns).


Clicking the Listing Details 'on' expands the Listing Data section:



4. Select Category and assign Brand & Manufacturer

You will initially be prompted to choose a category to list in (yellow icon in Listing Details Status column).  It is generally advisable to ensure you have entered/mapped your Brand and Manufacturer BEFORE setting the 'Send Listing Details' to "On" for the applicable products.

Remember all edits can be made in bulk.

5. Send Listing Details

Set 'Send Listing Details' to 'On' and then 'Save & Send to Amazon' (white button top left).


After publishing (flashing icons that can take Amazon a few minutes to return a result), the Listing Details status link will change colour:


If the link goes red, Amazon is returning an error (click to view and resolve - reach out to support@codisto.com if you need any help resolving the errors Amazon is returning).

Amazon can be extremely pedantic about the data required to create new listings being in the correct format.  It can also be an iterative process to uncover what Amazon requires 'next' (it doesn't show all errors in one go).  Reach out to support@codisto.com if you are having problems resolving the Amazon errors early to avoid becoming frustrated with Amazon - we're here to help!

Offer Status Blue but Listing Status Red

This means an Offer for the product is live and being synced with Amazon i.e. you are selling on Amazon!  The red error on the Listing Details means that Amazon is rejecting updating the product in your Amazon Seller Central account.

Note that when updating listing details, Codisto (and all 3rd party solutions) can only update listings in your Amazon Seller Central account.  It is up to Amazon (at their sole discretion) whether to update the front end i.e. what shows on the Amazon product page.  Contact Amazon is you are having issues where you are the only seller of a product and Amazon Seller Central isn't being reflected on the public, buyable Amazon product page.


To learn more about creating listings on Amazon you can view the video tutorial.

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